
We remind, Just at the right place!

LeapFrog is a location based reminder which will remind about the preset task/reminder related to a specific location.

Why Choose LeapFrog?

We bet you don't want to forget grocery while retuning home!

It Reminds

We know you have important things to take care of, so let us take care of small things for you.


We love to keep things simple, using LeapFrog can be as easy as a kids play

Works Offline

Once you have reminder setup, it just works great at any place on the planet.

It's Free

And always will be. Yes, you heard that right!

Download & get started today!

Humans are the only species that pay to live on earth. This is a planet suspended in space that will outlive us all. It existed before us and is one of billions like it in motion in the universe. It is our home. Like siblings, we were all born here and are getting to know our new family. It belongs no more to me than it does to you.

And so does LeapFrog.

We would love to hear from you

Hey, we all have our fear. Mine is lobsters and "bugs" !

Have any ideas? suggestion? feedback? or just want to say Hello, feel free to get in touch with us.


+91 96204 13136




Bengaluru, India


© 2018 Cyberboy.in | Proudly handcrafted in India .